NaPoWriMo 2012 - Day #18 - these words
i have completed a 3-days course today, improved my vocabulary a little bit...
these words
that do not
easily roll off the tongue
Automated external defibrillator
that trip
pulseless ventricular tachycardia
raise an eyebrow
glyceryl trinitrate
and one that sounds
like a chant
one and two and three and four and five and one and..
if i had
known earlier
and know
how to use them
my father
might have lived longer.
© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2012
This is a brilliant write, dsnake. You say it without saying it, and it is clear the emotion - a kind of tone of regret expressed here that would've been hard to express directly, and why the thought leads or comes to that conclusion.
Solid piece, my friend.
thank you, ravenblack!
this is the whole point of this piece, "to say it without saying it", and to try to put across a sense of regret.
my father passed away from a heart attack (a long time ago), and if i had known CPR earlier (i was with him that day), things might have been different.
I also feel the emotion in your poem, that is lovely.
Came to see how you were doing with the challenge and you still at it...good for you! (more that half way done : ) )
thank you, Lynn!
it is readers like you, and the encouragements, that keeps me going. a couple of times i wanted to skip that day, but somehow still managed to write some stuff. :)
Iam have conveyed the emotion in minimum words...
thank you, Ashok. :)
this poem really works!
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