Sunday, July 14, 2024

Art Random - # 7

Random artworks I find in the streets, underpasses, parks. No transit stations. No museums. Well, sometimes.
They would include paintings, murals, sculptures, statues, structures, and temporary installations.

It is not everyday you walk into a mall and say "Wow!".

photo by dsnake1

you think the lines bend but they are parallel

in a parallel cosmos you an I could be more than a shadow


Location         : Anchorpoint, Alexandra Road, Singapore

Artwork Title   :   -

Type              : mosaic art on floor

The Artist      : Amongst Studio  

Year              : 2022

Media            : floor mosaics

Dimensions   :   -

Collection      :   -

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024

Art Random - # 6

Random artworks I find in the streets, underpasses, parks. No transit stations. No museums. Well, sometimes.
They would include paintings, murals, sculptures, statues, structures, and temporary installations.

I was glad I visited the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam during the winter of 2023. To look at the works of these movers and shakers of contemporary art is to try to look into the minds of the masters.

photo by dsnake1

you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours.

evening -

the flutter of wings
returning to the eaves


Location         : Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Artwork Title   : Suspended Composition of Small Leaves (Four Red Spots)

Type              : Mobile

The Artist      : Alexander Calder  (b. 1898, USA; d. 1976 USA )

Year              : 1947

Media            : Painted aluminium and steel

Dimensions   : ?

Collection      : Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2024

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Art, Random - # 5

Ramdom artworks I find in the streets, underpasses, parks. No transit stations. No museums. Well, sometimes.
They would include paintings, murals, sculptures, statues, structures, and temporary installations.

Well, you wander into a school and wonder at what these kids can paint.

photo by dsnake1

it seems you have not left at all

persimmons at the altar -
luscious and firm
like you in life.


Location         : Metta School, Simei, Singapore

Artwork Title   : ?

Type              : Calligraphy

The Artist      : Tan Tai Jeng, a 12 years old student

Year              : ?

Media            : probably ink on paper

Dimensions   :  -

Collection      :  -

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024

Art, Random - # 4

Ramdom artworks I find in the streets, underpasses, parks. No transit stations. No museums. Well, sometimes.
They would include paintings, murals, sculptures, statues, structures, and temporary installations.

Paint residue rolled into tiny rosettes, cut and sliced and reattached onto the canvas.

photo by dsnake1

jellyfish and whisky don't mix

I have been trying very hard to get rid of these worms in my head.


Location         : Singapore Art Museum at Tanjong Pagar Distripark

Artwork Title   : Fetish - White II

Type              : Mixed media (?)

The Artist      : Jane Lee  (b. 1963, Singapore; )

Year              : 2011

Media            : Dry paint skin on canvas

Dimensions   :   -

Collection      : Istana art collection

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2024

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Art, Random - # 3

Ramdom artworks I find in the streets, underpasses, parks. No transit stations. No museums. Well, sometimes.
They would include paintings, murals, sculptures, statues, structures, and temporary installations.

Multatuli (from Latin multa tulī, "I have suffered much") is the pen name of Dutch writer Eduard Douwes Dekker (1820 - 1887). Considered one of The Netherlands' greatest writers, he is best known for his satirical novel Max Havelaar (1860), which denounced the abuses of colonialism in the Dutch East Indies.

photo by dsnake1

It is strange that such a little alley can hold so many people

We come to gawk at the red lights by the canal.
Oh, see the lights dance sinuously on the water.

bu sin ess as usual


Location         : On the Torensluis (Tower Bridge), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Artwork Title   : Multatuli

Type              : Commerative statue

The Artist      : Hans Bayens  (b. 1924, Belgium; d. 2003, Netherlands )

Year              : 1987

Media            : Bronze, on a red marble plinth

Dimensions   :   -

Collection      :   -

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Art, Random - # 2

Random artworks I find in the streets, underpasses, parks. No transit stations. No museums. Well, sometimes.
They would include paintings, murals, sculptures, statues, structures, and temporary installations.

Franse was a painter but started creating spatial objects in the late 1960s. The "Apple" was a "living piece", and a common waiting place from travellers who started writing messages and names on it. It is still a favourite meeting point.

photo by dsnake1

snow on the roof, the fireplace lit

everyone at the departure lounge
watching jetliners

not me
the lady that walks past me
more lovely body


Location         : Schiphol Airport Arrival hall 4, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Artwork Title   : Apple

Type              : Sculpture

The Artist      : Kees Franse  (b. 1924,   d. 1982, The Netherlands)

Year              : 1975

Media            : Wood

Dimensions   : -

Collection      : -

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Art, Random - # 1

Random artworks I find in the streets, underpasses, parks. No transit stations. No museums. Well, sometimes.
They would include paintings, murals, sculptures, statues, structures, and temporary installations.

I am the only old guy at this art tour/walk my daughter got tickets to but i think i took the most photos.

photos by dsnake1

i thought i wrote those lines before but i am tired

the end of another day

a million murmurs.

Pangrok Sulap is a multidisciplinary art collective established in 2010 in Sabah, Malaysia. It is made up of artists, curators, writers, activists, researchers, craftspeople and others. It aims to strengthen communities through art, and to give a voice to marginalised communities.

Location         : Aliwal Arts Centre, Singapore

Artwork Title   : People of the Land

Type              : Prints

The Artist      : Pangrok Sulap  

Year              : 2024

Media            :   Woodcut prints on blackout cotton

Dimensions   : 335 cm x 152 cm

Collection      : -

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2024