nice haiku... :)
Friendship can be testing. Some may not last like the color of the friendship bracelets
Neni,thanks for visiting and leaving your comments. :)kaykuala,it's true, friendship can be testing. a really true friend is hard to come by.
clever incorporating friendship bracelets ~~
Not easy to find a friendship that remains its true colours from beginning to end.Good haiku!Rosie
Becca,thanks! you are always so kind. :)Rosie,that's true, it's not easy. Thanks for visiting. :)
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nice haiku... :)
Friendship can be testing. Some may not last like the color of the friendship bracelets
thanks for visiting and leaving your comments. :)
it's true, friendship can be testing. a really true friend is hard to come by.
clever incorporating friendship bracelets ~~
Not easy to find a friendship that remains its true colours from beginning to end.Good haiku!
thanks! you are always so kind. :)
that's true, it's not easy. Thanks for visiting. :)
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