Thursday, August 11, 2011


This is for Funny Bunny Fridays. It is a "poem" which I had posted earlier in my main blog.

I have known some people who are totally hopeless with a computer (but it's not their fault). Clueless about software, lost in navigation, crashing the machine at the first chance. Not that I am very good with it, but at least I know how to cut and paste.

Like I said, there are some who are completely clueless (but it's not their fault). Read this conversation between two friends...

image by dsnake1


What do you mean you don't get the picture?

You have a square with a X in the corner?

What type of crap image program you have?

No, no Windows XP is not....don't be daft.

I sent in dot j p g, that's j-peg.

You don't know what the hell's that?

No, no it's not some japanese porno,

It's some format, stuff it, you won't know.

Tell me what's on your desktop.

pen, cigarette, ashtray, scotch?

No, tell me what's on your screen.

What do you mean there's nothing?

Allright, don't touch anything, go chill some beer for me.

Be at your place half hour, and did I say you're a dummy?


pebcak = problem exist between chair and keyboard, sometimes also known as :
picnic = problem in chair, not in computer.

But don't worry, have fun. :)

© cheong lee san ( dsnake1 ), 2011


Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

live, creative, and fun conversation
poem, thanks for sharing.

dsnake1 said...


Thanks for visiting and your kind comments. :)

Marbles in My Pocket said...

Ha! Are you talking to me? Very funny!

Here's my offering for this first Funny Bunny Friday:

dsnake1 said...

Umm, you were the one giving the advice, remember? :)

and your Funny Bunny piece is absolutely brilliant! I had a good laugh.

Manicddaily said...

Very funny. I especially like what's on the desktop.

dsnake1 said...


me too, especially the scotch. :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

amazing humor,
lovely poetry.

dsnake1 said...


thank you!